DLS dual lateral logging tool (HH2530 systerms's main instruments)
it is the main logging instrument of the HH2530 system , it is connected with TCC data transmission short sections to measure formation's conductivity in the 530 system . data communication is Passing by three-bus interfaces between the DLS tools and the TGA , and DLS tools pass the well components datas by the way of digital data with the help of TGA ,then transmit it to the ground system for processing. During logging usually the DLS tools is with microspheres and gamma logging instrument for combinations . The instrument is consists of electronic circuits, fiberglass electrode probe, the lower electrode and the insulating short section AH169 . Probe's FRP materials is imported from overseas which is usually be used in the logging instrument ,it is with good quality.
● temperature: 175 ° C;
● pressure: 140MPa;
● OD: 92mm;
● power supply: 250VAC ± 25V, 50 ~ 60Hz, ≈ 80mAac;
● Vertical resolution: 600mm;
● Depth: deep lateral 2700mm, shallow lateral 800mm;
● resistivity measurement range :0.2-40000Ω · m;
● Accuracy (in undisturbed formation):
0.2 ~ 1Ω·m ,± 20%;
1 ~ 2000Ω·m ,± 5%;
2000 ~ 5000Ω·m,± 10%;
5000 ~ 40000·m, ± 20%.